With the growth of the internet, social media, and lots and lots of data the ability to market your business to the exact people you want to has become easier than ever. Now with more people than ever using mobile devices to search for things hyperlocal marketing is going to be huge. Think about the last time you were looking for a place to eat, a lot of you pulled out your phones and typed in “food near me”.
Hyperlocal marketing will soar in 2017: 5 tips to stay on top The conversation about local search is not a new one; marketers have been discussing the importance of targeting customers by location for the past decade. Recently, it has been pushed back into the industry forefront with the rise of hyperlocal search and its relationship to mobile. Google Trends clearly show a dramatic increase in “near me” queries, particularly since mid-2015.
Hyperlocal targeting, or marketing to customers within your area based upon their location, has the potential to help brands answer the immediate needs of their prospects. Understanding how to optimize your content for these users can provide brands with an excellent opportunity for success. Google has also been showing signs of pushing people toward hyperlocal. Back in 2016, Barry Schwartz reported a noticeable reduction in the number of pages offered for Google Maps search results, suggesting an effort to narrow the results down to a smaller geographic area. Google wants to better serve users by personalizing their results based upon their exact location. searchengineland.com
With Hyperlocal targeting playing such a big part of Google search it is important your website contains the right elements for proper placement when that search is done. In the article above the writer points out that your Google My Business must master the basics and they are right on this point because it plays such a crucial part in ranking in the 3-pack.
If you have questions or need help putting together a Hyperlocal marketing strategy contact our SEO company in Denver today!