
What is a Landing Page and How Can it Benefit Your Business

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The landing page is an essential component of any website, the page on which visitors are taken when they click on the URL in a marketing message sent via email or as text message or on the link displayed on search engine result pages. The standalone page is designed specifically for the purposes of advertising and they usually contain a strong call to action to encourage the visitor to browse the website’s offer, to make a purchase on the website or to order the services available on the website.

Denver SEO agency

The landing page is the first page that your visitors see, so content and appearance will determine your visitor’s first impression about your website as well as about your company. Denver SEO agency website builders confirm that a good landing page can boost the success of your website by increasing your conversion rates, therefore getting the design of the page right is essential. Ideally, your landing page should feature a clean design, free from distractions and it should focus on encouraging the visitor to take action, either by making a subscription to your services or by making a purchase. It should also be in harmony with your ad copies and it should feature a simple to use button that takes the visitor to actual product pages.


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