
The Most Common Mistakes that Businesses Make with SEO

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Search engine optimization, that is, the process of improving the visibility of your website for relevant searches on browsers has been, is and is going to be the most efficient way to boost the success of your website, to attract more visitors to your site and to convert them into loyal customers. However, the process is usually complicated and lengthy, with many pitfalls – here are some of the most common SEO mistakes to avoid:

  • Neglecting preliminary research – Results driven Denver SEO companies will design and implement campaigns strategically by creating a profile of the campaign’s targeted audience. They will research the most relevant keywords and channels used by that audience;

Denver SEO companies

  • Publishing irrelevant content – even the most relevant keywords can be used in content that fails to captivate the reader’s attention, so creating that is written in a great style, made even more interesting with pictures and videos is essential for success;
  • Neglecting fluid design – the majority of internet users access online content on their phones and are usually disappointed when they click on a site that does not feature a mobile-friendly design;
  • The lack of tracking – regularly checking the efficiency of your SEO process is essential for identifying the elements that fail to perform as expected. There are lots of great, online metrics available, some of them for free – use them to track your success.


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