When looking at your audience what is the first question you ask yourself? Within the industry the focus has been based on the company’s message and it’s preferred destination for decades. But does that message get through to the audience? Now that the digital landscape has provided an overload of destinations for any message, a new question might have to be asked, “how do I engage my audience effectively?” The answer? Content. Move the focus from what you think they want to something you know they can connect with.
Content marketing strays away from the traditional method of perfectly designed ads with buzzwords and unattainable expectations for the bulk of consumers. Nowadays the power has switched from the marketer to the consumer and their specific interests. Understanding an audience thoroughly means content can be created with them in mind. Don’t just reach your audience get through to them. Take your message and direct it in a way that tells a relatable story or one that includes them in yours some how.
After decades of traditional marketing tactics of telling the consumer what they want, try asking them what they need. Consumers are beginning to get numb to the traditional ways of advertising, so creating content that engages them is more important than ever. Design content in a way that asks them, “would it be okay if we were part of your journey?” or “would you like to be part of our journey?” Depending on what product or service you are selling.
Creating original content shows effort towards your consumer and can create mutual respect. Focusing on the consumer allows you to know their interests, which shows them you care about their everyday lives. This is how you will get through to consumers. They leave the experience knowing your brand while also feeling appreciation.
This means you get through to them in an ocean of other marketers who haven’t converted to this perspective yet. Your brand is then known and associated with a feeling of respect, instead of the harshness associated with the traditional method. Tell your story in a way that fits into your consumer’s life. Make your content stand out in this way and hopefully you will be able to create lasting customer relationships.
This story can be told is so many different ways. Take your product or service and figure out how it will fit into the consumer’s journey best. This can be in ways such as humor or education. Click here to see some of the most successful content marketing campaigns.