
Different Types of Digital Marketing

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Denver SEO agency

  1. Content creation

This type of digital marketing involves creating and distributing content – text, images, multimedia – that adds value to your audience, instead of just sending an advertising message.

If you are in B2C (business to consumer), “content” can mean social media posts, blog posts, and fun videos; if you are in B2B (business to business), there could be more case studies or reports, webinars and educational videos.

  1. SEO

SEO does what the name says: search engine optimization. This means creating content that people are actively looking for, as well as ensuring that this content and the platforms on which it is located are SEO and technically optimized.

  1. Google Ads

Paid ads on Google Ads look almost the same as normal results, except that they appear at the top of the page, in the top 1-5 positions, with the word “Ad”.

  1. Social media marketing

Compared to other channels, such as TV, print and even online advertising, social networks add a new possibility of interaction with potential customers. Instead of just sending messages to a mass audience, you can interact with your customers and listen to what they have to say.

  1. Email marketing

This is a tool used successfully especially by e-commerce sites and retail companies. It has good results by advertising promotions and seasonal discounts and you can also use it to send newsletters.

Get Found Fast, a Denver SEO agency with proven results for a variety of industries, can help your company meet and exceed 2021 objectives using their expertise in all the above areas.


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