
Why Is Blogging Important for SEO

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Denver SEO expert

Blogging is an excellent way to establish a close relationship with customers – whether the blog post compares products belonging to a particular category, about a personal experience shared by the blogger or it provides help and advice with a specific issue that is frequently encountered by the blog’s followers, blogging is a very efficient SEO tool that any marketer or service provider should use. According to expert Get Found Fast associates, www.getfoundfast.com, here is why:

  • Technical benefits – publishing more blog posts means more content that search engines crawl and index when internet users launch queries. More relevant, crawlable content is appreciated by search engines with higher rankings on results pages;
  • Increased credibility – blog posts are usually written in an entertaining, approachable style and presents situations and aspects of life that everyone could relate to. That kind of personal touch encourages trust and creates a more personal relationship between customer and marketer, too. People also feel more confident providing feedback to and sharing their thoughts to blog posts, so blogging is an excellent way to find out what your existing and potential customers thin about your business;
  • Increased reach through a variety of channels – you can provide your blog as a section of your website, but you have lots of other options, too, including various social media channels and e-mails. This variety gives you the opportunity to choose the method that best resonates with your audience.


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