
Is Your Website Really Mobile Friendly?

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Quick grab your phone! Chances are you didn’t have to reach very far for it. In our society we are attached at the thumb tip to our mobile devices. We carry our little computers with us everywhere we go and if we don’t have them we feel the anxiety of being naked without it. So it’s no surprise that if you have a website people are going to be looking for it and accessing it via their handheld.

With a mass of people using their phones, it is imperative that your business website be ready and optimized for phone use. Unless you think we are going to do away with our phones, you might want to take a look at these tips and see how you can implement them with your site.


5 Tips to Navigating the Constantly-Moving Mobile Market – Search Engine Journal “Mobile has taken over as the preferred way to consume content. In 2014, mobile browsing officially surpassed desktop as the primary gateway to the web. With this in mind, adjusting your marketing strategy accordingly is no longer an option, it’s a requirement.

Look around any public place and you will more than likely see people staring at their smartphones. The biggest advantage of mobile marketing is that it lets businesses get directly in front of their customers’ eyes at virtually any time. Brands everywhere are realizing that mobile is truly the marketing avenue that never sleeps. Here are five tips to help navigate this landscape successfully.” Read more…

The article does a really good job laying out some of the most important aspects your mobile website needs. Often times I see to many companies trying add to many unnecessary gadgets to the function of their website.

One of the key elements the writer points out is that keeping your mobile website SIMPLE is a recipe for success. At Get Found Fast we offer full responsive WordPress website designs that work perfect on mobile devices. To learn how we can make for website mobile, ready contact our web design company in Denver today.



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