
Google’s MobileGeddon and Responsive Web Design

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Google was kind enough recently to warn the world in advance of an algorithm change (the firstcellphone_image such advanced warning of an algo update). The update, they said, would impact the ranking on mobile devices by pushing down websites that were not mobile friendly.

Google did this because they need to evolve with the growth of mobile app usage so that “general search” will remain relevant and easy on mobile devices. The update was nicknamed Mobilegeddon – scaring businesses that bad things were ahead. A couple weeks after the update, MobileGeddon has not been as catastrophic as many predicted. The update is probably not fully complete and Google will likely continue to fine tune their results in the coming weeks ahead. But this is what Google does anyway so as long as your site is on mobile website development friendly technology, your should be in good shape.

Businesses also need to evolve their websites to stay relevant and in the main current of technology. Today that means having a website that is a responsive web design and able to recognize what size and type of device on which it is being viewed. It’s all about converting visitors into action or leads and so each opportunity (visitor) needs to have the best experience they can when visiting your site. Responsive Website Design is not complicated anymore and most web design companies have switched to this exclusively.

It was interesting to read all the big talk by internet marketing companies professing to know what this update would mean – when there was no way they actually knew. With dire warnings of what would become of websites when this happened, we privately pondered the potential, but all we could really do was make sure all our clients sites were mobile friendly as Google had asked.

Curious how your SEO may have been impacted by the latest Google change? Click here for a no obligation Free SEO Analysis from the Team at Get Found Fast.

Are You Mobile Ready for MobileGeddon?


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