Content, SEO and Social Media are merging
“Our site quality algorithms are aimed at helping people find “high-quality” sites by reducing the rankings of low-quality content” -Amit Singhai, Senior Vice President and Software Engineer at Google Inc.
All the biggest search engines keep people in mind when designing and adjusting their algorithm. Everything is focused on providing a best user experience as human interaction is what drives search engine and economic activity. People look to search engines to provide a solution to their problems or answer a question. What’s the best way to do that? Content Marketing and Social Media!
If you aren’t investing in a strong content marketing campaign while using social media as a lead generation platform, you’re falling behind. This is the new SEO! The infographic and statistics below paint picture of just how vital they are to the success of your business.
If you would like to learn more, sign up for an extensive SEO analysis through the link below. One of our SEO experts will follow up within 24 hours.
-92% of marketers say that content creation is either “very effective” or “somewhat effective” for SEO
-Google says it is working on using the +1 as a ranking signal
-Tweets help Google index content faster
-Bing uses Facebook Likes as a ranking signal for logged in users
-According to US B2B Marketers, 44% have a positive experience regarding impact on SEO while 1% have a negative experience
-The are 27 Million pieces of content shared daily across social media
-1 in every 5 social media messages include links to content
-60% of content sharing messages specific to an industry mention a brand or product by name
-40% of marketers say White papers are “very effective for SEO”
-50% of marketers say Web Pages are “Very Effective for SEO”
-76% of marketers invest in content creation as a strategic SEO campaign
-50% of consumers are more likely to click on a search result if the brand appears multiple times on a results page
-52% of consumers say blogs have impacted purchase decisions
-60% of business decision makers say branded content helps them make better product decisions
57% of marketers have acquired new customers via their blogs
-42% of consumers look to articles and blogs for info about potential purchases
-19% of beauty buyers who made purchases based on blog posts say they stumbled upon the content via search
-61% of consumers are more likely to purchase goods from businesses that offer custom content